
Readers React: Want lower income taxes? Then fix Proposition 13.

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To the editor: The letter writer who complains that California’s personal income tax is too high and unstable is correct. However, he misses the point that income taxes are so high because of Proposition 13. (“Before changing Prop. 13, reduce personal income tax in California,” Readers React, Nov. 7)

Before Proposition 13, property taxes accounted for most tax revenue and allowed for predictable budgets. When it passed in 1978, budgets were slashed 60%.

How did we recover from those cuts? Schools and social services took a hit, but more importantly we found other ways to generate revenue. We raised income and sales taxes and invented new tools like parcel taxes and bond measures.


Every year, commercial property saves $9 billion in property taxes. Given that our schools are ranked 46th in per-pupil education funding, it’s hard to say we don’t need that money.

So where do we turn? Raise income and sales tax more, or fix Proposition 13.

Courtney McDonald, San Francisco

The writer is a campaign coordinator focusing of Proposition 13 reform for the public policy group Evolve.


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