
Readers React: Dodgers dispute isn’t the city’s business

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To the editor: The dispute involving Time Warner Cable and other broadcast outlets about how much they will pay TWC to carry Dodger games is a private business matter. The city of Los Angeles has no vital stake in the matter. (“Garcetti asks FCC to eye impasse,” Business, Aug. 26)

If the citizens of Los Angeles were strongly motivated to watch Dodgers games on television, they would write to their cable and satellite providers to demand the service or cancel their subscriptions.

The new owners of the Dodgers are shrewd businessmen who paid too much for the team because they knew that some other cable system would pay too much for the broadcast rights. Right now, TWC is still looking for someone to rescue it from having overpaid the Dodgers. The mayor and the FCC should not be helping TWC do that.


Sooner or later, market forces will lead to the negotiation of a reasonable price.

Michael E. Mahler, Los Angeles


To the editor: The Dodgers are a key part of the city, as the mayor has said. The Dodgers also signed the contract with Time Warner Cable so that they, the Dodgers, could make more money.

The Dodgers had to know that Time Warner Cable was going to charge Dodgers fans more money to view them on TV. It is the Dodgers who chose money over their fans and the residents of L.A.


This is not a problem for the FCC. The problem is the greed of Time Warner Cable and, especially, the greed of the Dodgers.

George Wolkon, Pacific Palisades
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