
Readers React: Here’s a scary thought: Donald Trump with the nuclear codes

Donald Trump speaks at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday.
(Jason Szenes / EPA)
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To the editor: After reading President Obama’s nuanced speech about war and peace and the impact of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima, Japan, on Friday, I could not help thinking that America will miss him after he leaves office. That this is true is clearly illustrated when comparing him with likely Republican nominee Donald Trump. (“In historic visit to Hiroshima, Obama calls on the world to morally evolve,” May 27)

Obama has class; Trump does not. Obama is thoughtful and restrained; Trump is not. President Obama does not have a need to respond to every criticism; Trump seems psychologically incapable of not responding. Obama is measured and careful; Trump is rash and impulsive.

As Obama has observed, another Hiroshima would be catastrophic. Consider another Hiroshima a distinct possibility under President Trump, whose nuclear authority, given his impulsiveness and deep need to punish any slight, is a depressing and scary thought.


Yes, we will miss Obama, especially if Trump succeeds him.

Irving Greines, Los Angeles


To the editor: How obscenely hypocritical of Obama to speak in Hiroshima of eliminating the world’s nuclear arsenal while his administration pursues a trillion-dollar program to “modernize” this country’s nuclear weapons.

And how sadly irresponsible of The Times to make no mention of that in its report Saturday.


Edward Fisher, Pasadena

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