
Letters: Law schooled

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Re “Law schools shrink in soft market,” Aug. 20

Reading the article reminded me of the diploma mill scandals that have tainted culinary, cosmetology and other programs. Now that ill repute has fallen on the oversaturated law school industry. Might it be that these schools are constricting enrollment to avoid class-action lawsuits by unemployed graduates?

While I feel for the students who pay so many thousands of dollars for a degree, only to find bill collectors calling them instead of potential bosses, I couldn’t overlook the irony that a man named Gold (Loyola’s law school dean, Victor Gold) would remark: “It kills me … when our graduates pay what they pay and can’t find a job.” Well, here’s a suggestion: a tuition refund to those who diligently seek germane employment but can’t find any; that is, stand by your product. Or is that too much to ask?

Henry Cascella


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