
Kamala Harris’ support of public university affirmative action defies the will of California voters

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To the editor: Millions of Californians rejected affirmative action when they passed Proposition 209 in 1996, which after enactment was deemed constitutional by the state Supreme Court. (Re “SCOTUS opens the affirmative action window,” Opinion, June 26) Now, thanks to a single deciding vote by a U.S. Supreme Court justice, race is an acceptable element of admissions to the University of Texas.

California Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris filed legal papers in the Supreme Court case supporting affirmative action at the University of Texas. She also filed papers in 2013 supporting race as an admissions factor at the University of Michigan. In both court cases, this course of action undermined Proposition 209.

The role of the state attorney general requires enforcement of California law, not opposition. Support of affirmative action in the Supreme Court and Michigan courts by Harris disregards California law and defies its voters.


Lawrence Waddington, Los Angeles

The writer is a retired Los Angeles County Superior Court judge.

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