
Opinion: Doggone it, people still like Al Franken

Sen. Al Franken smiles as he leaves the Capitol after announcing his resignation on the Senate floor on Thursday.
(Andrew Harnik / Associated Press)
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Democratic Sen. Al Franken gave a resignation speech on Thursday that omitted any apology for his alleged groping and forcible kissing of several women, and cast him as a victim in all this.

Many of our letter writers take Franken’s side.

Since the first accusation against the soon-to-be ex-Minnesota senator was made weeks ago, and as accusers continued to come forward, letters casting Franken’s alleged conduct as insignificant compared with what Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore and President Trump are said to have done have come in, easily outnumbering those that have called on Franken to step aside.

Several have said the senator’s alleged conduct does not change their opinion of him as an exemplary public servant.


The Democrats are looking for saints while the Republicans are winning elections and running the country (into the ground).

— Michael Krubiner, Valley Village

Michael Krubiner of Valley Village is a disappointed Democrat:

I am disgusted with the Democratic Party. It just drummed out one of the most honest and progressive members of Congress, merely on allegations of sexual misbehavior without so much as a hearing.


Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats chose not to stand by their colleague. They have become puritanical and sanctimonious, and they have forgotten how to practice politics in order to win for the benefit of the people. The Democrats are looking for saints while the Republicans are winning elections and running the country (into the ground).

I urged Franken to remain in office and become an independent. I urge other progressives to join me and leave the Democratic Party. It’s time for a third party that will win for the benefit of the American people.

Sara Roos of Los Angeles addresses Franken directly:


Dear Sen. Franken:

I am not your constituent, but I believe you represent me. I appreciate the obvious thought and caring you devote to public service. Would that you had thought as hard about the social aspects of your current job, not to mention the consequence of failing to contain the more seamy side of your former profession from the current.

Nevertheless, the notion of equating your offensive, puerile behavior with the shocking accusations against our sitting president and the Senate candidate from Alabama is plain absurd. Your alleged behavior doesn’t begin to come up to that of Trump or Moore.

There are a lot of reasons you should not have announced your resignation. Making all of America pay dearly for your mistakes with your absence from the Senate is one of them.

Laurie Reese of Los Angeles encourages Democrats to press hard on Trump:

If, as a majority of Democratic senators argue, it would be better for our country for Franken to resign, I suggest they work like hell, around the clock and without pause, until they bring about the censure and indictment of the president.

When they can force the president and his many surrogates to atone for their deeds, when the collective conscience of our elected officials triumphs over collaboration, then we the people can burst into a joyous chorus and sing the glories of justice served.


This is the fight that would be better for our country.

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