
Opinion: A disillusioned Trump voter feels betrayed now? Better late than never.

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To the editor: Did Justin Raimondo and other anti-war voters who supported the president truly believe that Donald Trump had deeply held, well considered views on the use of force in Syria or the relative virtues of incentives and regulation in our healthcare system? (“I voted for Trump. After Syria, I feel betrayed,” Opinion, April 21)

Trump’s only demonstrated skill is ruthless self promotion. He spent his life stiffing investors and walking away from romantic and business commitments. It is alarming that otherwise smart people could be fooled into disregarding character flaws that were so easy to detect. I guess we should be thankful that many Trump voters are now expressing regret — better late than never.

Disillusioned Trump voters should examine why they were fooled so they can better guard against the next trickster who vies for high office. For that matter, I hope they will not be fooled by Trump again.


James Clark, La Cañada Flintridge


To the editor: About Trump’s newfound interventionism and other flip-flops, Raimondo writes, “The liberal media are thrilled by Trump’s transformation.”

What transformation? The “liberal” media and all of the rest of us that still have the ability to reason knew exactly what we were getting. Trump failed the litmus test many years ago when he joined the birther club. He has failed other litmus tests too numerous to even mention anymore.


There has been no transformation. The only thing we libtards don’t understand is why his voters fell for it, and we are not now, nor have ever been, shocked by his behavior.

Robert Rosenblum, Woodland Hills


To the editor: Really? How on Earth could anyone look at Trump and listen to what he said, and take any of it seriously?


I truly would like to know what the more rational of the Trump voters saw in this vacuous man and how they thought he would be good for the country.

The majority of voters were disgusted by and saw through his reality show. They don’t feel disappointed, they feel scared.

Jane Peters, Los Angeles


To the editor: My advice to Raimondo and other Trump supporters disappointed by the president is simple: Too bad, it is time to move on.

Millions of us held our noses and voted for Hillary Clinton. She lost, and we have moved on to defeating Trump in 2020.

Robert Matthews, San Clemente


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