
Readers React: How the Democrats’ obsession with centrism could reelect Trump

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks during a town hall in Fort Dodge, Iowa, on May 4.
(Stephen Maturen / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Centrism was a gift that the Democratic Party handed to Donald Trump in 2016. (“Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden disagree on a central issue: Is removing Trump enough?” May 3)

No change ever comes from the center, and you can’t energize voters with day-old bread. Americans want universal healthcare, a more progressive tax system, more transparency in government (not less, as we will get from “seasoned” politicians) and a government that believes in decency over the rigid application of “law and order” to those without high-priced attorneys.

Message to the Democratic National Committee: Stop reheating stale ideas and mouthing platitudes and start giving us real change that will bring this country into the 21st century.


Candida Pugh, Oakland


To the editor: Former Vice President Joe Biden is as much a “front-runner” now as ex-Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was for the Republicans before 2016.

Biden is blind to the issues. Trump’s election was no aberration. It was a consequence of having lost millions of jobs in the Midwest and South mostly due to automation (not immigration). Trump falsely scapegoated immigrants, but he nevertheless acknowledged the hit that the residents of certain states had taken and won those states — and the election.


Job losses continue to mount in retail, transportation and personal services due to technological advances. A smart tech-savvy candidate who can address these real transformations can defeat President Trump.

Hopefully, the Democratic debates will introduce us to a candidate who gets it and can prevent the massive social disruption that will otherwise accompany the accelerating pace of technological change.

Margaret Martin, Los Angeles



To the editor: There will be many discussions and debates among the Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election. After the dust settles and the nominee is selected, l vehemently hope all Democratic voters will line up behind that candidate.

We cannot afford the luxury of post-convention intra-party disputes. Also, if you don’t vote because your first choice didn’t win the nomination, then you might as well vote for Trump. Unity will be absolutely vital.

Alan Rosenstein, Santa Monica

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