
Opinion: California Republicans would rather not talk about social issues. Too bad.

Assembly Minority Leader Chad Mayes (R-Yucca Valley) speaks in the Capitol on Jan. 11, 2016.
(Rich Pedroncelli / AP)
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To the editor: So Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes (Yucca Valley) is “really old school,” according to The Times’ George Skelton. (“California Republicans have nowhere to go but up — and Assemblyman Chad Mayes could be the one to lead them there,” Dec. 19)

It’s nice that Mayes doesn’t want to yell and scream at Democrats, but what are his talking points? Roads, poverty, businesses. He’s silent on those pesky “social issues” that get his fellow Republicans in a frenzy: abortion, gay rights, illegal immigration.

If the state GOP ever abandoned its white male perspective long enough to admit those “social issues” are matters of real consequence to real people — or that when poverty rates rise, it has a disproportionate impact on women and minorities — they might start to be relevant again. I’d like to see Mayes take on that challenge.


Bonnie Sloane, Los Angeles


To the editor: While Yucca Valley’s Mayes may be “what the GOP needs,” I would like him to be “what the 42nd Assembly District needs.” We have major issues in the Coachella Valley, which is separated from Yucca Valley by the San Andreas Fault but still in the same district.

The Salton Sea is evaporating and poised to release toxic fumes over Palm Springs; transportation is difficult when there is an accident on 10 Freeway or a wind storm blows sand dunes on major streets; and affordable housing is needed for the low-income workers who support our tourist-centered economy.

We have a sizable immigrant population due to agriculture and a vibrant LGBT population. Both feel threatened by the incoming administration. Yet Mayes is apparently more concerned about the Legislature attacking President-elect Donald Trump.


I am in favor of Mayes meeting with anyone to start solving our issues. I think that should have priority over trying to salvage the California Republican Party.

David Middleton, Rancho Mirage

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