
Readers React: The Republicans’ questioning of Christine Blasey Ford without an FBI investigation is a sham

Psychologist Christine Blasey Ford speaks before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27.
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To the editor: I write, not only as an attorney but also an outraged citizen, at the failure of the news media to fully report on the debacle that has become the Senate’s rush to judgment, without a full and impartial investigation into the claims brought by psychologist Christine Blasey Ford and now at least two other women.

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s failure to fulfill its constitutional obligation, by hiring a prosecutor to ask the Republican majority’s tough questions, is outrageous. A prosecutor’s job is not to get at the truth, but rather to take the best (or even worst) evidence available to her that investigators have roughly collected, and that a grand jury then has to decide whether is sufficient evidence to indicate, and then use that evidence selectively to convict.

So, it is inappropriate that a prosecutor is questioning Ford because her job has never been to get to the truth, but rather, to use the facts available to advocate her position. The American people deserve a fair and just investigation, not a rush to judgment without first conducting a thorough search for the truth.


Karen Firstenberg, Los Angeles


To the editor: To all those demanding proof in sexual misconduct cases, but especially in those involving political figures, I have a question for you: Would it make any difference to you anyway?

People “forgave” the Republicans’ Alabama Senate nominee Roy Moore and voted for him anyway despite a security guard at a mall stating that he was banned from it for his inappropriate behavior toward young women. President Trump admitted that he committed what is the textbook definition of sexual assault. He still got the votes.


Be honest: Even if you had outright proof, wouldn’t you find a way to write it off anyway? From what I’ve seen, the reactions to accusations of sexual misconduct are far more partisan than any accusation itself. Show me that that’s not true, and I might begin to take your outrage seriously.

Tina Schrader, Sun Valley


To the editor: The Democrats don’t have a credible argument to make against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, so they’ve resorted to throwing excrement against the wall in the hope that some of it will stick.


It doesn’t stick. It just stinks.

Robert S. Rodgers, Culver City


To the editor: I am no Kavanaugh fan, but I understand his quandary. Decades into a stellar legal career, his ultimate goal may elude him because some alleged youthful alcohol-fueled hijinks have come to light at a pivotal moment.

What choice did he have? Admit to an adolescent sex offense, and incur the Senate’s rejection? Or deny Ford’s charges and hope that 50 senators will opt to confirm him no matter how credibly she testifies?

The #MeToo movement has brought long overdue changes. Kavanaugh isn’t the only one who didn’t see them coming. If nothing else positive comes of his nomination saga, it’s that males of all ages have been put on notice: Sexual harassment perpetrators may pay an enduring price, just as their victims do.

Edgar M. Martinez, Orcutt, Calif.


To the editor: It appears that I am not able to relate as much as some of my fellow citizens are to Kavanaugh and his current predicament.


I hear expression of empathy: People claim he is being destroyed, smeared and even punished. From my nonwhite perspective, however, I see a man simply being scrutinized for a highly prized promotion.

If he does not get it, he can join the countless of us who have been denied such endeavors. He will be OK.

Daniel Luna, West Covina

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