
Donald Trump deserves credit for moderating his views on terrorism

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures as he speaks in Las Vegas on June 18.
(John Locher / Associated Press)
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To the editor: In his critique of where the two major candidates stand on terrorism, Doyle McManus fails to note that Donald Trump has recanted his views on torture and the killing of terrorists’ families (acknowledging their illegality). He refuses to accept that Trump is at least partially right regarding challenges in the vetting process of refugees. (“After Nice, it’s official: The campaign’s about fear,” Opinion, July 17)

On the other hand, he conveniently excuses presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s dropping poll numbers on this issue as part of a “general slump.” There is also no mention of the Obama administration’s foreign policy failures, which former Secretary of State Clinton has been a definitive part of.

There is only one word I can think of to describe the veracity of McManus’s analysis, and it comes from the Trump lexicon: “Sad!”


Lucas Klein, Claremont


To the editor: I agree that keeping families safe will be a key factor in the election.

Trump’s “toughness” is obviously aimed at those who are already afraid their country is escaping from them and want it back. Logic does not matter to these voters. The easy solution is to ban Muslims and other refugees, ignoring the fact that perpetrators of these terrorist attacks are citizens of western countries, as is the case of France’s recent tragedies.

Closing our borders, as Trump advocates, is not the solution. Eradicating terrorism is a long-term effort involving patience as well as the isolation and elimination of those preaching violence around the globe. Carpet bombing areas where terrorists may be hiding will mean the death of innocent civilians and expand the conflict, which is what Islamic State really wants.


Domenico Maceri, San Luis Obispo

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