
The gas tax is an unfair way to fund road repair. What about charging vehicles by weight?

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To the editor: We voted to retain the state gas tax increase (perhaps deceived by the ballot language), and now we have to live with our decision. In the future, however, we ought to look at a more equitable way to pay for road repair and construction in our state. (“California gas tax goes up July 1, but leaders say road repairs need even more money,” June 20)

In my opinion, taxes on gasoline are not equitable, as they do not tax the heaviest users (by miles driven or weight) proportionately. One could argue that people who drive more miles buy more gas and therefore pay more in gas taxes. However, what happens to that proportion as electric vehicles replace gas-powered cars?

Additionally, are corporations and freight haulers paying their fair share for the wear and tear their big rigs cause on the state’s roads? Responses welcome.


David Scott, Beaumont


To the editor: Well, I am confused.

Starting July 1, California will have the highest fees and taxes on gasoline in the country. The state wanted to go green and encourage drivers to carpool, go electric, use their cars less, and more.

As a bonus, California has done everything it can to discourage companies from moving here and employing people who must drive to work. Regulation upon regulation has made it virtually impossible to start a business.


So if California is hoping to reduce auto traffic and the road deterioration that comes with the traffic, it is on a perfect trajectory to move back in time to horse-and-buggy transportation.

William Baker, Yorba Linda

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