
Opinion: No, Democrats are not hypocrites for opposing Trump while accepting support from Harvey Weinstein

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To the editor: The Harvey Weinstein story is about how too many men abuse their power to wreak havoc on the lives of women. This is not unique to any region or industry. (“Weinstein sexual harassment controversy exposes Hollywood’s double standard,” Oct. 6, and “Movie producer Harvey Weinstein is fired from his company after sexual harassment allegations,” Oct. 8)

If “double standards” are to be the focus, let me remind you of the well-known fact that the president of the United States has been accused of sexual assault and harassment by at least 15 women since 1980, which makes the notion of conservatives “having a field day” with the Weinstein revelations especially ridiculous.

Apparently, Democrats should be doing a better job vetting their donors than Republicans do vetting their candidates.


Michael Finnigan, Encino


To the editor: There should be a double standard. President Trump’s words and actions reverberate around the world. His policies affect millions of people. His views of women affect legislation, most recently when he decided to allow employers to deny coverage of contraception. He wields the power of nuclear weapons.

Contrast him with Weinstein. He may behave badly toward his employees, but the disrespect he showed them doesn’t extend to foreign heads of state or even to his films. Not diminishing the result of Weinstein’s actions, the scope of his influence is highly limited, as was Trump’s when he was a reality show star.


This is nowhere near a level playing field. Please stop treating it like one.

Suzan Lowitz, Los Angeles


To the editor: While Weinstein should be supported in his declared intention to “do better,” I hope he fully comprehends that his recovery will take a long time as well as unwavering commitment.

Many of us who are engaged in actively endorsing programs to support at-risk children can legitimately attest to the reality that attitudinal changes and lifetime behavior modification will be a challenging and sometimes discouraging path.


Fortunately, there are a number of justifiably celebrated nonprofit groups that can assist Mr. Weinstein along his guaranteed bumpy route.

Vilma Kennedy Pallette, Santa Clara, Calif.

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