
Readers React: On immigration, why does the left refuse to distinguish between ‘legal’ and ‘illegal’?

A protester waves a flag composed of elements of the U.S. and Mexican flags in front of the InterContinental in downtown Los Angeles, where President Trump stayed the night of March 13.
(David McNew / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Manuel Pastor disingenuously neglects to differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. (“California used to be as anti-immigrant as Trump. Don’t repeat our mistakes,” Opinion, March 15)

Very few Americans have a problem with those who migrate to the U.S. the legal way. Those on the left rarely want to address that issue in those terms, and even if they acknowledge it, they describe those here illegally as law-abiding people just looking for a better life for their children. (Note: Nearly 20% of federal prison inmates are immigrants here illegally).

We can all empathize with people looking for a better life, but we cannot have open borders and maintain good quality of life. At some point, and many think we are quickly approaching it, we will have an over-supply of low-wage, under-educated workers pushing blue-collar Americans out of the workforce.


And to what end? Maybe to gather more Democratic voters in the future.

Bob Guarrera, Laguna Niguel


To the editor: The president needs to be in the business of building bridges instead of walls.

In the past California was greatly polarized over immigration. Many Americans and politicians claim immigrants are taking all of the jobs and hurting the economy; however, being welcoming to immigrants seems to be working for California, as we are now ranked high in job growth.

California is an example to the rest of the country that dividing people provides one group a scapegoat instead of serving as a motivating force to benefit all Americans. Our state still has problems, but maybe we’re onto something when it comes to immigration.


Kylie Potts, La Mirada

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