
Readers React: Whaling is one cultural tradition that does not deserve respect

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To the editor: Mutually honoring cultural diversity is a globally recognized value, in many cases. But what about Japan’s “whaling tradition”?

Are we still to honor traditions and turn a blind eye when horrible cruelty is inflicted on humans or other species? Whaling doesn’t deserve my respect. Just because something is considered a tradition doesn’t mean it should be continued.

Humans in all countries must consider what our cruel practices are doing for the future of mankind and the planet.


Patricia Mace, Los Angeles


To the editor: I have heard for years that Japan’s whaling is for scientific reasons, yet I can find no mention of the purpose, methodology and results.

Surely in all the years that this “scientific” process has been conducted, there should be some published articles concerning this. Perhaps the Japanese consul general, whose letter was published in the L.A. Times, could shed some light on this subject.

Daniel Fleischman, Torrance

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