
Opinion: Hollywood needed a few courageous women. Washington needs a few more courageous senators

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To the editor: It is ironic that the story playing out in the world of entertainment is also playing out in our political world. (“Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake, denounces Trump, announces he will not seek reelection in 2018,” Oct. 24)

Many of the courageous women who have come forward recently have said they did not speak out sooner for fear of suffering retaliation. Those in the business who looked the other way or participated in the cover-ups, knowing that sexual predators remained on the prowl, feared hurting their own careers. And the abuse continued.

In Washington, courageous senators are speaking out about the danger to our political system. It is no secret that most lawmakers do not condone President Trump’s behavior, but they look the other way in order to advance their agenda and protect their careers.


Hopefully, the courage of Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Flake will inspire others to put the welfare of the United States first and speak out, just as the courage of a few women who finally spoke out against sexual abuse helped others fight this cancer in our society.

Laurie Guitteau, Santa Barbara


To the editor: The placebo effect accounts for a broad swath of Trump voters continuing to buy the snake oil. They want to believe.


As seasoned practitioners, elected Republicans know better. They know that impulsive behavior, ego, greed, ignorance and disregard for the truth are poisonous. But, calling out the charlatan would hurt their own sales under the Republican brand.

Self sacrifice has given way to the self. Public servants are willfully ignoring and excusing the harm to the public and the republic.

Only those like Corker and Flake, who are not standing for reelection, are standing up.

Larry Stein, Glendale



To the editor: The comments and retirements of Corker and Flake, in addition to pointing out cracks in party unity, indicate their courage and conviction in the face of Trump’s debasement of the nation. It’s a glimmer of reality amid the darkness of lies and fake news.

Trump’s response? That he was happy to get “multiple standing ovations” at the “unity lunch” with Republican senators.

Karen Scott Browdy, Fillmore

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