
Readers React: How Joe Biden’s touchiness might be rooted in the tragic deaths of his first wife and children

Lucy Flores, seen in 2014 as the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Nevada, said then-Vice President Joe Biden touched and kissed her in a way that demeaned her.
(Ethan Miller / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Former Vice President Joe Biden wears many hats, one of which is that of a seasoned politician, and another is a husband and father who has suffered the supreme loss of two of his children and his first wife. I believe this helps explain his tendency to physically embrace people in ways that are now coming under scrutiny.

I too have felt the depth of despair, having lost my daughter, my granddaughter and my soon-to-be-born great-granddaughter, who were shot to death. Once we parents lose our children, we gain a whole different perspective. Things that seemed of extreme importance before now seem unimportant, even trite.

We also learn very quickly how, because words often fail to comfort, just having someone stop and give you a hug can say it all without words. I see Biden as a compassionate man who has survived great personal loss and knows also how a warm hug or placing his hands on someone’s shoulders can make all the difference.


Don’t condemn Biden for acting on his instinct to share what he almost certainly received after his devastating loss.

Barbara Emigh, Newport Beach


To the editor: Like columnist Robin Abcarian, I have been disappointed and saddened by the accusations of unwanted “touching” by Biden. I agree that the fact that the rules have changed does not really offer an excuse.


If Biden is struggling to understand what is or is not acceptable, I think he is not behind the times, but rather reflective of them. We are all trying to adjust our behaviors and language as we become aware of the consequences on others. We need to focus on developing a new empathy for how our actions affect other people.

I hope Biden runs for president because I think he represents a lot of what is good and decent in America. We need to keep learning and changing, and so must our leaders.

Antonia Smolen, Laguna Niguel



To the editor: I agree with every last word of Abcarian’s column.

Stop being creepy, Joe. You’d never consider touching or smelling any man, so why would you think it’s OK to do it to a woman?

It was best said by Anne Victoria Clark on Medium: “It’s as clear-cut as this: Treat all women like you would treat Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.”

Marta Allen, West Covina


To the editor: We have a president who has too many scandals to count, yet poor Biden can’t even smell a woman’s hair without being accused of “not getting it.” Trump “gets it,” but he doesn’t care.

Democrats have but a single function right now: to nominate the candidate most likely to beat Trump in 2020. If that is Biden, so be it.


Thomas Butterworth, Tustin

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