
Opinion: Is the left in denial? No, it is quite rightly preparing for the worst

The declassified version of the Intelligence Community Assessment on Russia's efforts to interfere with the U.S. political process.
(Jon Elswick / Associated Press)
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Much more so than in 2012, many of the letters about last year’s election have been written about the supporters of the nominees rather than the candidates themselves. In other words, readers have nearly as much to say about the people who voted for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as they do about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

The missive that lead off Tuesday’s letters page is a case in point. Reacting to the intelligence report on Russian hacking, reader Michael Murphy of San Pedro accused Democrats of being in denial about Trump’s victory. He said he “cannot help but chuckle” when he thinks of Clinton supporters’ dismay, a taunt that did not sit well with some readers.

Here is what some of those readers wrote in reply.


—Paul Thornton, letters editor

Jan Rainbird of Irvine predicts that the Trump presidency will galvanize liberals:

A particular letter writer goes to great effort to chortle about the Trump presidency and leaps to the conclusion that Clinton supporters are in denial.


Nothing could be further from the truth. Denial implies that an observer is choosing to not see the obvious; what we see, as plainly as possible, is a litigious, unqualified narcissist thrust into the presidency even though he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.

Who is really in denial here? Also, Trump’s supporters should be aware that we will indeed be confronting and contesting every appalling decision made by his administration, which could be an almost daily occurrence.

Camarillo resident Wendy Fisch says the left is prepared to do what Republicans did under President Obama:


I am a liberal Democrat, yet I too find the results of the election amusing.

For one thing, I also laugh at the idea of Trump as president, so I have something in common with the letter writer.

I sincerely hope it will rid the country of that constant annoying whine that has interfered with every effort to get Congress moving for the last eight years.

Unfortunately, the right has held that ground for a long time and may find the position hard to give up.

On the other hand,

while there has been no official announcement, I suspect there might be an effort afoot to “confront, contest and obstruct the new administration at every possible turn.”

Liberals have learned from the masters, after all. By the way, where was Trump born?

Jordan Goodman of Burbank believes the future is bright for liberals:

I hate to ruin the letter writer’s giggle fest, but there is one irrefutable fact that he and his fellow Trump supporters are overlooking.


The United States has become and will continue to become a more liberal nation over time. People demand freedom, pure and simple.

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