
Readers React: The March for Our Lives is over, but the gun debate strides on

Participants in the March for Our Lives rally in Los Angeles on March 24, part of a surge of activism propelling the debate over gun control and school safety.
Participants in the March for Our Lives rally in Los Angeles on March 24, part of a surge of activism propelling the debate over gun control and school safety.
(Sarah Morris / Getty Images)
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To the editor: Guns are no different than drugs, alcohol, prostitution or abortion. When you have a product or service for which there is an insatiable demand, supply will follow. Outlaw them, as we did during Prohibition with alcohol, and you learn the futility of such remedies. (“March for Our Lives was a powerful, galvanizing moment. We can’t let its momentum fade away,” March 26)

Gun control advocates are well-intentioned, but they are fighting against basic aspects of human nature. We already have more than 300 million guns extant in America, one for every man, woman and child. So go ahead and pass “common-sense” legislation such as strengthening background checks. Just don’t be surprised when it results in no meaningful reduction in gun violence.

Robert Chapman, Downey



To the editor: It is striking how editorials and even letters to the editor tiptoe around the central issue. Gun safety is a partisan issue — a point that Michael Hiltzik recognized last October when he revealed that out of the $54.6 million of the National Rifle Assn.’s “independent expenditures” during the 2016 election cycle, only $265 went to Democrats.

In 2008, it was five right-wing Republican Supreme Court justices who ignored text, history and precedent in order to recognize, for the first time in our nation’s history, an individual 2nd Amendment right to bear arms that was not connected to a “well-regulated militia.” It is a Republican president and a Republican-controlled Congress who refuse to offer anything beyond “thoughts and prayers” in response to the carnage.

Come November “March for Our Lives” will become “Vote for Our Lives.” No more NRA. No more Republicans.


Ernest A. Canning, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: It would be nice if for once your editorial just came out and stated what you really want to happen regarding gun ownership. I’m absolutely convinced that what you truly would like to see is the elimination of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. That will never happen in this country. Guns are here to stay. This 21st century version of the Children’s Crusade will end up accomplishing nothing more than a lot of missed hours in the classroom for the participants.

There are so many gun laws already on the books in most states that adding a few more won’t make any difference. The problem is our society. The problem is our people. The problem is the way these kids are being raised. Nearly everyone who owns a gun is a responsible person. I haven’t seen one card-carrying member of the NRA involved in any of these school shooting massacres. What I’ve seen is a lot of deranged and disillusioned young persons who were bullied and harassed by their peers taking revenge on them.


Charles Reilly, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: As a society we are telling our children to die with dignity. Not on the battlefield, but in the classroom. Shame on all of us for allowing this to happen.

Ben Shaw, Chino


To the editor: Your letter writer addressing the fact that the anti-gun protesters were being protected by security personnel with guns makes a fallacious argument on several levels (“Without ammunition, an AR-15 is just a menacing paperweight,” March 27). First, the protesters were not protesting guns, per se. They were addressing gun legislation, asking for sensible gun laws so that children can feel safe at school. Second, if the security personnel were carrying guns, they were not not mentally unstable, vengeful killers with a malicious agenda. They were there to protect. But in Phoenix, where open-carry is allowed, counterprotesters were indeed carrying all manner of guns. That should make everyone fearful.

Rebecca Hertsgaard, Palm Desert



