
Readers React: Rep. Maxine Waters: Don’t confirm William Barr as attorney general

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To the editor: I strongly disagree with the Los Angeles Times editorial board’s Feb. 7 recommendation that the Senate should “confirm William Barr, even though it requires a leap of faith.” The board’s conclusion that Barr’s responses during his Senate testimony were “sufficiently reassuring” to the American people is flat out wrong.

Barr wrote an unsolicited memo to Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein six months before his nomination, arguing that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s obstruction-of-justice investigation related to President Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey was “grossly irresponsible” and “entirely misconceived,” which he shared with White House lawyers. Barr also refused to unequivocally commit to publicly releasing the special counsel’s full report to Congress.

Federal legislators have been waiting for Mueller’s full report and have repeatedly stated that the report will be the foundation of our efforts to hold this president accountable pursuant to our responsibilities under the Constitution.


The American people cannot afford to take a “leap of faith.” William Barr should not be confirmed.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles)

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