
Readers React: Does Maywood even deserve to be an incorporated city?

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To the editor: How many “strikes” does the tiny southeast Los Angeles County city of Maywood get? Not the corrupt officials, but the existence of Maywood as a city. (“A tiny city with huge problems, Maywood faces its biggest scandal yet,” Feb. 26)

Corporations have had a cozy time in California, buying up property and then petitioning to become a “city,” with no understanding of the civic responsibilities that go with it. It is time for this one to lose its charter and either revert to L.A. County as unincorporated or become attached to a neighboring city with a less blemished record.

Maywood is not the only “city” around that should be losing its charter.

Judith Anderson, Montrose



To the editor: About 40 roosters found in the Maywood mayor’s auto stop? Really? Because they taste better than hens? Or because they are more productive egg-layers?

There’s only one reason for having that many, and I’m pretty sure that cockfighting is illegal in California.

The Los Angeles County district attorney should keep digging.

Richard Schmittdiel, Glendale


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