
Readers React: McConnell’s Supreme Court hypocrisy is another reason to vote out Republicans

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell speaks at an event in Paducah, Ky., on May 28.
(Ellen O’Nan / AP)
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To the editor: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) stated that if a Supreme Court vacancy occurred in final year of President Trump’s term, he would fill it and not wait until after the election as he did with President Obama.

His total disregard and disrespect for our American values goes far beyond the point of obeying the rule of law and what we expect of our leaders.

McConnell has given the American people a sound reason to vote out those Republicans in the Senate who have chosen to close their eyes to what is right and what is fair for everyone. If we allow these elected officials to interpret the Constitution in a way that serves only their own party, then we will have given up our right to a democracy.


Edward A. Sussman, Fountain Valley


To the editor: Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution states that the president “shall,” with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint judges of the Supreme Court. There is no option or provision in the Constitution for the Senate majority leader to arbitrarily and unilaterally block a Supreme Court nominee.

McConnell should be censured for his blockage of Merrick Garland’s nomination by President Obama to the Supreme Court seat vacated by the late Antonin Scalia. His dereliction of duty and bias is appalling.


Craig Simmons, Northridge

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