
Readers React: With a lying president and cheating parents, we need the story of Ozzie Vazquez

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To the editor: My Easter Sunday was filled with happiness, and my faith in the our hard-working youth and the integrity of some parents was restored, after reading the column about about Eva Vazquez and her son Ozzie, who was offered admission to multiple elite universities, including Harvard.

Lately much of the news we read is about lies, cheating, corruption or any other measure to “get ahead.” From the president down to the school cheating scandal, it’s been all about selfishness and finding shortcuts. Truth, honesty and hard work have been devalued — and then along comes Ozzie.

Thank you, Ozzie and Eva — you are my heroes. And, thank you, Steve Lopez, for writing this story.


Judith McAdoo, Pasadena


To the editor: My heart was racing as I read this article. I literally cried at the end.

This young man’s achievement is epic and I so admire him for his staying power. Harvard made a wise choice.

I suggest that the parents facing prosecution in the university cheating scandal be forced to read this article and then meet Ozzie face to face.


On second thought, they don’t deserve to be in the same room as him. They really don’t.

Ann Tyler, Moorpark


To the editor: Did anybody else notice the juxtaposition on Easter Sunday’s front page?

The topmost article describes our immigrant-bashing president serving with a legion of liars, himself included. Next to it is the story of a brilliant, hard-working son of immigrants who just earned offers of full-ride scholarships from numerous prestigious universities.

It’s worth cheering when one of the people we read about exemplifies the spirit of Easter.

Maralys Wills, Santa Ana


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