
Readers React: Republicans’ inquisition of Peter Strzok served no other purpose than to destroy the FBI’s credibility

FBI agent Peter Strzok testifies before a joint committee hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees on July 12.
FBI agent Peter Strzok testifies before a joint committee hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees on July 12.
(Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)
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To the editor: If FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page had sent text messages to each other in 2016 expressing support for Donald Trump, then House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) would not have staged Thursday’s inquisition of Strzok.

If anyone thinks that President Trump and his Republican sycophants would investigate FBI agents who supported Trump, then they do not comprehend what partisan party politics is at its worst: Trump before country.

The hearing’s purpose was to destroy the FBI’s credibility. The Republicans’ motive may be that, when special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings are made public, Trump and his surrogates can attack the findings as partisan because Mueller used partisan sources.


To keep the president’s behavior in perspective, simply remember that Trump lies, and no one should trust a liar.

Arch Miller, Arcadia


To the editor: My initial emotion reading Strzok’s and Page’s anti-Trump messages was disgust, due to the fact that such commentary was made by government employees of a presumably neutral agency.


Of course, every citizen is entitled to his personal opinion, and I must say I was quite impressed with Strzok’s composure at the hearing. He sounded believable when he insisted he never acted on his personal beliefs.

But was he telling the truth? What would a polygraph tell us?

Irwin Zeke Warsaw, Marina del Rey


To the editor: Strzok’s steadfast demeanor in the face of the most scurrilous partisan attacks, slights and assertions was the epitome of class.


Every American should be reassured that in these dark days, adults such as Strzok remain to serve our nation.

Mike Scott, Lafayette, Calif.

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