
Opinion: Trump voters should stop blaming NAFTA and Obama for their economic woes

A view of a portion of the steel mill complex in Pueblo, Colo.
A view of a portion of the steel mill complex in Pueblo, Colo.
(Matthew Staver / For The Times)
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To the editor: My wife, her parents and siblings moved to California 60 years ago from Pueblo, Colo., the former Democratic bastion that’s now home to many proud supporters of President Trump. My wife’s father was looking for better employment and found it in aerospace work. (“Voters in this Democratic part of Colorado backed Trump. After 100 days, they have no regrets,” April 27)

I visited Pueblo 50 years ago for the first time, and I thought it was a depressing town. I was there three years ago, and the town hasn’t changed.

You can live cheaply in Pueblo, and houses are inexpensive. The government has tried to make improvements, but the town’s ills go back decades. The residents can blame the North American Free Trade Agreement and President Obama, but the fact is the town has been dying for a very long time.


Michael Hoevel, Oxnard


To the editor: It is utterly pointless to waste time interviewing Trump voters. No one likes to admit that they’ve been had by a clever con-artist. Any good police detective will tell you that.

Also, these voters have no reason to pay attention to all the horrible things their leader has done. They might see a negative headline online or in their local paper, but they will just pass that up on the way to the sports page.


Why don’t you go and interview the many more Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders voters? See how many of them regret not voting for Trump.

John Kwiatkowski, Los Angeles

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