
Lost in the furor over Justice Ginsburg is one fact: She’s right about Donald Trump

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(Mike Groll / AP)
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To the editor: Treating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s comments about Donald Trump like normal criticism of a presidential candidate is to treat Trump as a normal candidate. (“The public feud of Ginsburg vs. Trump casts harsh spotlight on court’s liberal lion,” July 13)

The presumptive Republican nominee’s candidacy is built on attacks against immigrants, Hispanics, Muslims and women. His qualification seems to be that he makes money, even though he seems to lose it just as fast.

Ginsburg is not attacking Trump’s policies, because he hasn’t espoused many. She is warning the nation of an imminent threat to its survival.


As New York University law professor Stephen Gillers points out in the article: “She is as deeply alarmed as many others over the prospect of a Trump presidency and the consequence to the country and the court.”

There is a danger in treating Trump like a normal political candidate. There is nothing normal about him. It isn’t wrong to shout “fire” in a crowded theater if you see a fire.

Billie Silvey, Culver City


To the editor: The editorial board’s backhanded compliment of Trump (he “gets one right”) and its statement that the candidate may have “brought out the worst” in Ginsburg still constitute “heroic” objectivity. For this, you should be complimented. Your summary on the impropriety of her behavior is also exhaustive. (“Ginsburg’s criticism of Trump is understandable but injudicious,” editorial, July 14)

What needs to be added, though, is the stupidity involved. If you wish to be political, you need to consider the whole context.

It is no secret that many people who tend to vote Republican, myself included, are considering sitting this election out. But the rather disappointing performance (from my perspective) of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and now Ginsburg’s harsh words for Trump will certainly cause me to reconsider my initial inclination.


Jack Kaczorowski, Los Angeles


To the editor: Everything Ginsburg said is completely true. Trump is indeed a “faker” who is inconsistent and hides his tax returns.

She spoke out, which is not expected of someone on the high court. She subsequently apologized.

Most of us thinking members of the voting public agree with Ginsburg. If Trump is elected, this country is doomed. And that prospect alone was enough to motivate her public comments.

I applaud Ginsburg’s bravery.

Catherine Titus, Costa Mesa


To the editor: What relief to hear Trump divert his insults from likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to Ginsburg.


So I was wondering, as I imagine people are anticipating actual details on issues to help them vote, what is the cut-off date when the candidates are supposed to discuss the issues? At least one issue? Not that Clinton is discussing any issues either.

Is anyone in the media planning to ask specific questions about any issue?

Wes Correll, Dana Point

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