
Opinion: Constituents have concerns about Trump, but these Republican lawmakers don’t want to hear them

Retired U.S. Marine Tim O'Healy, left, with his wife, Misty O'Healy, joined more than 100 people gathered last Tuesday outside of Rep. Darrell Issa's Vista office.
(Peggy Peattie / San Diego Union-Tribune)
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To the editor: Thanks to George Miller and John Lawrence for their inspiring piece. It prompted me to pull out a blank stamped postcard and write a thank-you note to the local office staff member for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) who met with me Monday to discuss my concerns with repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. (“How to make your voice heard in Washington,” Opinion, Feb. 15)

I called Issa’s office in Washington to ask when the next in-person town hall meeting will be held in District 49. I’m hoping to hear back soon.

And finally, I am writing to The Times to spell out loud and clear that we as U.S. citizens must continue to speak up for democracy.


Susan Kogan, Oceanside


To the editor: I am one of hundreds of San Diego residents trying to get Issa to hold an in-person town hall meeting. We recently took out a full-page ad to get Issa’s attention, to no avail.

Unfortunately, like many other California representatives, he has said he is not holding meetings during next week’s congressional break. His phone-in town halls appear to be little more than staged PR events.


I can’t help but note the hypocrisy of his complete avoidance of the public, as he only recently promised to listen to the citizens more. We have questions and concerns about the unwilling congressman who can travel to his district for a news conference at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, but who cannot be bothered to meet with his voters.

Maryam Baqi, San Diego


To the editor: Republican members of Congress have blocked the access of constituents who have questions about their actions and those of the president.


Local voters have been attempting to meet with their representatives to request town halls during their February break. These voters have been met with locked doors and police presence. As a result the voters have been leaving notes at the office door.

The Republican representatives are now attempting to call these voters radicals, paid protesters and thugs. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) has blamed the constituents who went to his office Tuesday for injuring a staff member. In reality, the staff member opened the door onto a young child who was putting a card under the door. The child was hit in the head, and those near the door attempted to push it back to protect the child.

There is a concerted attempt by local Republican representatives to defame voters. In reality, they are unwilling to meet or have a town hall.

Rita Edwards, Laguna Woods

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