
Opinion: Trump’s disgraceful association with a Sandy Hook conspiracy peddler

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To the editor: I don’t know what horrified me more, the sickening harassment by hoax peddlers of the grieving family members of the educators and children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, or that our president and his national security advisor are “open enthusiasts” of conspiracy monger Alex Jones’ Infowars. (“In an age of ‘alternative facts,’ a massacre of schoolchildren is called a hoax,” Feb. 3)

Does this explain President Trump’s repeated insistence on untruths? Are he and his national security advisor getting their “intelligence” from a conspiracy-theorizing network?

Vicki Lindman, Huntington Beach



To the editor: I don’t understand Trump’s silence about the Sandy Hook massacre and his failure to condemn Jones, who claims the shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults on Dec. 14, 2012, never happened.

Four years later, the Sandy Hook tragedy continues to engender a vicious torrent of denials, death threats, ethnic slurs and charges of a Democratic-inspired hoax by gun lovers and anti-Semites. This is reminiscent of what the Jewish families of three of the four unarmed Kent State University students — shot to death on May 4, 1971 by members of the Ohio National Guard while protesting the Vietnam war — continued to experience long after that tragedy had faded from public consciousness.

Harold N. Bass, Porter Ranch



To the editor: After reading this story, I want to throw up. It’s hard to imagine there are people so heartless and hurtful to people who have lost children.

Tom Burton, Van Nuys

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