
Readers React: Another questionable hire by Sheriff Villanueva gives these readers voter’s remorse

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To the editor: I regret voting for Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. Instead of looking forward and bringing true reform to the department, he seems focused on settling old grievances.

By bringing back controversial deputies that will provoke more backlash by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, he’s wasting taxpayers’ dollars in what seems to be an effort to surround himself with his friends. That’s not leadership; that’s disgraceful.

I’m unsure what actions we can take to remove Villanueva from office, but if a recall were to make the ballot, I’d vote in favor of it.


Charla Myers, Santa Monica


To the editor: How long will it be until the voting public claims buyer’s remorse for making Villanueva their sheriff?

We lost an able and dedicated sheriff with much public support when Jim McDonnell was displaced by a man who has so far shown only that he has a little list and is busy making his friends happy and his enemies wary.


Both Villanueva’s actions and his inaction will only widen the divide between police and the public. Should we just wait until the next election?

Carleton Cronin, West Hollywood

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