
Readers React: Wave of teacher strikes in California points to the desperate need for Prop. 13 reform

Teachers, students and supporters march in Oakland on Feb. 21.
Teachers, students and supporters march in Oakland on Feb. 21.
(Jeff Chiu / AP)

To the editor: The teacher strikes across California point to the great necessity of more funds for education. While clearly the strikes have caused conflict between teachers’ unions and school districts, reforming Proposition 13 can create a beneficial outcome for all sides.

There is a measure that will be on the ballot in California in 2020 that, if passed, will make large commercial property owners finally pay their fair share in property taxes and will restore more than $11 billion per year to California’s schools and other public services. This will change the way that education is funded in California.

Education is a right, and it is time for teachers and students to get the support and resources they need.


Jennifer Ayala, San Francisco

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