
Readers React: What you can do after the Florida mass shooting: Thank a teacher

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To the editor: The tragedy in Parkland, Fla., has me reflecting on many things. One for sure is remembering how tremendously valuable teachers are in improving the lives of so many young people. (“Victim and hero: Florida football coach ushered his students to safety before the gunman came for him,” Feb. 15)

To them, I say: Thank you so much. I know how challenging your work may be at times, but being there when our children need a caring person makes a tremendous difference. As our society is grappling with important issues such as gun control and caring for mentally ill persons, we need to also keep in mind our basic human connection, including between adults and kids.

I am reminded to take time to connect and “see” one another — to stop and see even those students who may want to remain invisible as they dangerously slip through the cracks and have forgotten that they are valued and loved. My invitation is for us to keep “seeing” their goodness.


Teachers, please acknowledge yourselves for who you are and all you do. I thank you for your dedication to young people.

Stu Semigran, Van Nuys


To the editor: I am heartbroken, as are most of my fellow citizens, by the tragedy in Florida. I am also devastated at the response from the highest seats of out government.


When can we stop saying, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families”? Why not, “Our brains and our strength are committed to finding a way to prevent anyone with a problem from solving it with a gun”?

We praise teachers who put their bodies in harm’s way to protect their students. Why don’t we praise these teachers for putting their hearts and souls behind their efforts to open doors for their students? I have no easy answers, only questions that need answers urgently.

Barry Alexander, Beverly Hills



To the editor: Thank you for this moving story about beloved football coach Aaron Feis, who sacrificed his life to protect students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. I’m glad this story was on the front page of the print Los Angeles Times. We want to honor the heroes and victims of this tragedy.

However, placing the photo of the alleged perpetrator next to this article was inappropriate. We do not want to honor him.

Lynda Estes, Winnetka

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