
Opinion: Conservatives warned Trump would destroy the GOP. What will happen to the nation?

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To the editor: That longtime respected conservatives like Max Boot, George Will, Charles Krauthammer and others have a sense of judgment, character and integrity and are able to determine that President Trump’s vindictiveness and inflammatory rhetoric are dangerous to our country is refreshing. (“Trump’s ‘I alone’ approach jeopardizes U.S. security and prosperity,” Opinion, Oct. 18)

Hopefully, the United States will once again be a country that understands what democracy is and what is required to help it work, including finding the common ground on which we function.

When he resigned from the Republican Party during the 2016 campaign, Will said Trump’s nomination for president would herald the end of his former party. With Trump now serving as president, it appears the destruction of our nation as we knew it is a possibility.


Jim Matlock, Ventura


To the editor: Boot’s conclusion on Donald Trump — “we can only hope that he does not top himself by demonstrating that he has the authority to launch a nuclear war” — is no hope at all.

What needs to happen is for Congress to do its job and impeach and remove this person from office as soon as possible. Intended or not, everything Trump does — isolating America from its allies; sowing chaos and fear in the world; inciting racism; scorning our courts, Congress, Constitution and press — fails us and succeeds in serving those who would want to weaken our nation (like Vladimir Putin).


What more reason is needed to remove Trump from office? Does the Republican Congress even care what is happening to America?

Patricia Casey, Fallbrook


To the editor: My disappointment and dismay at your shabby treatment of our president grow daily.

Yes, Trump does some stupid things and shoots off his mouth too often. Yes, he is a different kind of president. But let’s look at the results in the real world, not just the optics.


He has made many excellent appointments; many regulations that have stifled our economy have been lifted; he has taken decisive action on the security front (like the missile strike in response to the Syrian gas attack); he has reached across the aisle to Democrats to try to get things done; and on the economy, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has added more than 5,000 points since his election, employment is up, and business confidence and investment are up.

I urge you to be more balanced in your coverage of our president.

Mark E Buchman, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump’s words after Charlottesville failed to unite us. His words about patriotism at NFL games failed to inspire us. His words to Puerto Ricans after Hurricane Maria failed to console them.

His actions on the world stage — including pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, undermining the nuclear agreement with Iran, and taunting the leader of a nuclear-armed country — fail to make us safer.

And given the fact that he will not take any responsibility for failing to enact any significant legislation during his administration so far, the biggest problem in our country is not fake news, it is fake leadership.

Linda Moghtader, Santa Monica


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