
Readers React: Trump is acting very guilty for someone who has been ‘totally cleared’

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To the editor: Why has President Trump been so persistent in attacking Justice Department special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, denying “collusion” with the Russians on election interference, and now saying that the sentencing memo for his former personal attorney Michael Cohen “totally clears” him?

Really? Of what?

If the president had confidence all along that he was not involved in illegal activity, he wouldn’t be spending so much time attacking prosecutors and denying wrongdoing. A law-abiding patriot would instead be supportive of the investigation into foreign interference in our election.

Methinks Trump is fearful of being found out. For what, we shall see, but he doesn’t act like a law-abiding citizen.


Bernard Roth, Santa Barbara


To the editor: More evidence has accumulated that Trump may be obstructing justice and thus could be impeached.

The final word from Mueller is yet to be heard. Some oppose impeachment, saying that Vice President Mike Pence would be worse than Trump.


Pence does not display the same pugnacious personality that our president does and to best of our knowledge has not engaged in a multitude of extramarital affairs. I would take a chance on Pence.

Elliot Schubert, San Diego



To the editor: Depending solely on Mueller — whose final report may or may not be public — does not guarantee that Trump will be held accountable. Some, like former FBI Director James B. Comey, prefer for Trump to be ousted by a landslide defeat in 2020.

So, while we have a constitutional process to redress corrupt leadership, we can only do that every four years? Absurd.

If Congress fails to consider impeaching Trump and puts the president above the law, we may as well just tear up the Constitution. His standard will be the precedent for future presidents to do exactly the same, and possibly more.

The House should begin hearings in 2019 and send articles of impeachment to the Senate for consideration. Then, let the chips fall where they may and force everyone in Congress to make a real decision, despite their revulsion to decision-making.

We should not over-analyze the issue, but rather just follow the procedure outlined clearly in the Constitution.

Cary Adams, North Hollywood


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