
Opinion: Don’t over-analyze Trump. He simply should not be president

(Sam Ward / For The Times)
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To the editor: We are exactly one year out from the election, and the parties are still split on how President Trump could possibly have beaten Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8, 2016. (Re “One year later: Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters and others on the 2016 election and what it wrought,” Opinion, Nov. 5)

Populism, racism, misogyny, outright lies, insults and Russian interference all played a part in Trump’s victory. How else could an individual who had never held an elected office and was completely unaware of presidential responsibilities and duties (as evidenced by numerous of his own statements, including his admission that the job was much more difficult than he thought) beat Clinton?

What we do know is that Trump is not fit for office. Furthermore, an individual who has yet to produce his own income tax returns, leaving us to believe that he does not pay taxes, should not be proposing a revised tax code.


Richard C. Armendariz, Huntington Beach


To the editor: Reading the comments of those asked to reflect on the Trump presidency, I was stunned that not one of them mentioned anything about his constant stream of lies.

Trump’s false statements are well documented. His addiction to constant lying places our country in great peril, as neither our allies nor our adversaries can trust him. This by itself renders him unfit for the presidency.


One would think it would lead to his impeachment and removal from office. One would think.

George M. Lewis, Los Osos


To the editor: I have to ask why Republicans keep taking credit for our healthy economy, which started before they took over Washington?

In Victor Davis Hanson’s piece, he credits Trump as the reason the economy is “improving,” the stock market is “robust,” consumer and business confidence has “increased,” and energy production is “booming.”


All these things can be said for the final years of Barack Obama’s presidency. He’s the one who pulled us out of the Great Recession and set those wheels in motion. The fact that the Republicans have to claim them as their own suggests how hard it is to find any of their own accomplishments to crow about.

Wayne April, Pasadena


To the editor: Your paper quite often reports Trump’s approval rating hovers around 35% to 40%.

Of the 10 “experts” who analyzed Trump’s presidency, only one writer is in clear support of Trump. Could you not find three other writers who feel Trump is doing a good job?

One writer spouts nothing but statistics, and one writer sits on the fence saying only that Trump has governed more “boldly” than the other Republican candidates would have. This is hardly support.

Yet seven writers feel the Trump presidency is an array of chaos, bad decisions and egomania. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) bashes Trump for not living up to campaign promises, none of which I am guessing she supported.

Brian Miller, Los Angeles


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