
Opinion: How many Republicans might have been corrupted by President Trump?

President Trump walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on May 17.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Republicans need to tell President Trump that for the good of the country it’s time for him to go. The political and security crises of these last two weeks alone have deeply wounded his presidency, and they were all self-inflicted. (“Republicans need to screw up their courage and tell Trump to go,” Opinion, May 17)

But Vice President Mike Pence, who would succeed Trump, is subject to concern over his integrity and complicity in these scandals. As conservative commentator Bill Kristol said in January, “Trump corrupts,” meaning those intimately involved with Trump and his presidential campaign will forever operate under a poisonous cloud of association with him.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) would be in line for the presidency after Pence, and now a secret recording of him silencing his fellow Republicans from chattering about Trump and Russia taints him too.


Walter Dominguez, Los Angeles


To the editor: Although it is becoming ever more apparent that Trump is unfit for the presidency, I have qualms about the prospect of his possible departure. If the erratic behavior and ignorance of this administration give way to a smoother operation, will the public relapse into docile acquiescence?

Renfield picking imaginary flies out of the air in “Dracula” is no match for Trump’s unhinged presidency.

— Laurie Levin, Pacific Palisades

The Republican Party and Trump want to pursue the same policies. Presumably the GOP would have smoother sailing without Trump in enacting tax cuts primarily for the rich; fewer safeguards for workers, consumers and minorities; regulations that would speed up climate change and despoil the environment; and privatization of important government functions.

If Trump goes, will citizens continue to mobilize against these extraordinary assaults?

Grace Bertalot, Anaheim


To the editor: Max Boot is certainly correct about one thing: If Trump does resign, it will be because his fellow Republicans force him to. He will not resign because of anything House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) or any other Democrat says about him.


I expect Trump to weather the storm and fight back with everything he has.

As for the good of the country, both the Republicans and Democrats have proved they are far more interested in their own political parties. If and when Republican legislators feel that not removing Trump from office will hurt their own chances of reelection, only then will they finally act.

Charles Reilly, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: Republicans should definitely tell Trump it is time to go, but they’d be preaching to the choir. Trump has recently lamented that he misses his old life and shown contempt for the job by golfing more weekends than actually governing.


Perhaps all these admissions and Russian photos and leaks are from him. He is, after all, the master manipulator.

We can only hope that Trump’s selfishness will motivate him to resign and return to the life he misses so much so we can return to the life that Americans miss so much.

Rosemary Chiaverini, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Renfield picking imaginary flies out of the air in “Dracula” is no match for Trump’s unhinged presidency.

A “witch hunt?” I think not. At no point does Trump take responsibility or offer contrition for his countless irrational missteps and lies.

Drowning in his own delusional desperation, might he just “fire” himself and ride out in a blaze of “victimized” glory? Don’t be surprised.


Laurie Levin, Pacific Palisades

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