
Opinion: For the sake of his country, Trump must stop tweeting his petty grievances

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To the editor: President-elect Donald Trump deludes himself in dismissing Meryl Streep’s reaction to his mocking of a disabled reported as mere Hollywood liberalism. Streep voiced the concerns of millions of Americans who find Trump offensive most profoundly on the grounds of character, before even considering his politics or emerging policies. (“Streep ‘overrated’? Trump keeps punching at Hollywood, but he’s an odd combatant,” Jan. 9)

Trump’s tactic of disparaging anyone who criticizes him or who counters his views is primary evidence of a serious character flaw. His inability to take responsibility for his utterances and their real impact, along with his spinning of his words as “fighting back” (in some imagined ongoing battle?), constitutes further evidence of such a flaw.

A week before the inauguration, we face the prospect of the presidency being trivialized by Trump’s habitual pettiness. Perhaps his handlers should shut down his Twitter account, lest his only contribution to this hallowed office be as disparager in chief.


D. Keith Naylor, South Pasadena


To the editor: Streep is a dependably fine actress whose list of stellar movies is amazingly long. Judging by her interviews, she appears to be informed and intelligent. There are a number of other fine celebrities who are equally articulate.

However, being recognized for one’s craft does not necessarily qualify one as “political philosopher nonpareil.” I respect Streep’s right to share her political views, but it would have been more appropriately done without exploiting an appearance at the microphone on the national TV broadcast of Sunday’s Golden Globe Awards.


Today is another day, and now Streep is back among the real folk, whose opinions are also remarkably well formed. If she is truly open-minded and intelligent, she should consider some divergent perspectives.

Vilma Kennedy Pallette, Santa Clara


To the editor: What is “elite” about respecting the disabled? What is “elite” about calling out a person who makes fun of someone with a disability? Is it “talking down” to people by standing up for somebody who has been unfairly picked on?


What Streep did was stand up for the value of each single human being.

Jerry Small, Venice


To the editor: Streep “overrated”? She’s been nominated for 19 Academy Awards and won three. She’s been nominated for 30 Golden Globes and won eight. She has received countless other awards and honors from the critics, her peers and the public at large.

Some people may not like her work, and they are welcome to say so. But to call her overrated is just wrong.

Art Verity, Sherman Oaks

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