
Opinion: Trump’s tax proposal is a starting point for negotiations, not a real plan

President Trump speaks at the Interior Department in Washington on April 26. The president is proposing dramatically reducing the taxes paid by corporations big and small.
President Trump speaks at the Interior Department in Washington on April 26. The president is proposing dramatically reducing the taxes paid by corporations big and small.
(Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Yes, it defies comprehension for President Trump to tout tax cuts that would so overwhelmingly favor his wealthy patrons (and himself) as to devastate the public. But don’t dismiss his outrageous proposal as mere cynical grandstanding. (“Trump’s Candy Land School of Tax Reform,” Opinion, April 28)

Keep in mind Trump’s ultimate motive: As a self-styled consummate deal-maker, he has “high-balled” his tax-cut proposals. In truth, he’s aiming at more modest cuts. But by initially pushing such unrealistically steep cuts, he creates bargaining space.

Trump soon enough will effect a willingness on the part of Congress to negotiate, and meeting the opposition halfway would yield the deal he wanted from the outset. It’s time to re-title his book: “The Art of the Scam.”


Christine Hagel, Orcutt, Calif.


To the editor: If, as seems likely, the gap between the poorest and the wealthiest in this country persists or even grows, it must follow that those at the top will have to pay an increasing share of their income in federal taxes to maintain any quality of life for those less fortunate.

Reducing taxes for the wealthy or eliminating the inheritance tax not only would exacerbate this situation, but also increase the national debt.


Donald J. Loundy, Simi Valley

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