
Readers React: Trump’s impulsive, falsehood-laden call to militarize the U.S.-Mexico border

President Trump talks with reporters as he reviews border wall prototypes in San Diego on March 13.
President Trump talks with reporters as he reviews border wall prototypes in San Diego on March 13.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Donald Trump stomping his foot and demanding U.S. troops on Mexico’s border, acting as if he is a spoiled child who did not get his way, is not the thoughtful study, careful strategy or discussion on possible repercussions that we depend on from the president of the United States. (“White House makes hasty plan to send National Guard to border, leaving mission and duration unclear,” April 4)

Trump is lashing out in frustration because of thoughtless campaign promises of building a wall to keep out unauthorized immigrants. He declares falsehoods that we are being overrun, when in fact the thoughtful actions of President Obama and a downturn in our economy resulted in a net outflow of undocumented immigrants, with more leaving the United States than coming in.

Can Trump get even this right?

Marcy Bregman, Agoura Hills



To the editor: Polling has shown that a majority of Americans support the immigration reform plan proposed by Trump, including a path to U.S. citizenship for enrollees in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, limiting chain migration, ending the diversity lottery system, and enhancing border security with a wall.

With Trump spotlighting the migrant “caravan” through Mexico, Americans can only assume hundreds will turn into thousands. Current U.S. policy toward asylum seekers may be called into question, and Democrats will be forced to choose between the demands of immigrants not yet in the U.S. and the concerns of Americans.

Talking about the U.S. as if it is the last hope for humanity is a losing message for Democrats. In fact, human trafficking, rape and murder are the results of allowing such a spectacle to continue without considering immigration reform.

Michael Kendall, Azusa


To the editor: What brilliant diplomacy. What statesmanship. A bold stroke of genius on the part of our commander in chief, who always has the best interests of our country at the forefront when he flies off the handle likes this.

His obsession over his “WALL” has now brought him to this extreme behavior, where he suggests arming our southern border against our neighbor and ally with no legal or moral justification whatsoever.


It must reassure Mexicans to know mighty America may soon have them in its sights. Literally.

Bette Mason, Corona del Mar

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