
Opinion: Americans’ health is this nation’s greatest asset. Why don’t Trump and the Republicans understand that?

President Trump talks to House Speaker Paul Ryan in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 4, after the House passed the GOP healthcare bill.
President Trump talks to House Speaker Paul Ryan in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 4, after the House passed the GOP healthcare bill.
(Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
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To the editor: By far the most important resource possessed by the United States is not gold, petroleum or any other disposable commodity. It is the health and well-being of its people. (“GOP health bill would raise deductibles, lessen coverage and leave 23 million more uninsured, analysis finds,” May 24)

This is true not only for America, but for any nation. In recognition of that reality most of the developed world, if not all of it, provides healthcare coverage for its population under a variety of successful programs.

A healthy populace maintains a country’s strength, supports its economy and returns to the nation the value of that investment with its creativity. A healthy populace is not an option for a nation that desires to remain strong and be an active participant on the world stage. It is a necessity.


President Obama understood that. Why our current president and the leaders in Congress do not is not only astounding, but disheartening as well.

Bruce Littman, MD, Porter Ranch


To the editor: President Trump promised to renegotiate, abrogate or amend any number of existing agreements he deems unfavorable to Americans. When it comes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and insurance for millions of us, it’s slash and burn — or as Republicans call it, repeal and replace.


Remember he also promised that his replacement healthcare plan would provide cheaper, better coverage for everyone.

Surprised to be bitten by a snake? There was lots of preexisting evidence that he was a snake when voters brought him in.

Greg Gabriel, Aliso Viejo



To the editor: What is Trumpcare? There is no such thing, and The Times ought to report the truth about this.

A Congressional Budget Office analysis of a proposal that will never be approved by the Senate or signed into law has been presented. More taxpayer money will be wasted as yet another study must be done when the Senate presents its replacement for the failing Obamacare. Then yet another study will be done when the two houses turn out the negotiated healthcare bill.

Then and only then will Trump get a chance to veto or approve the bill.

Tom Simmerman, Fullerton


To the editor: Republican legislators, please don’t pass the American Health Care Act and kick millions of Americans off their insurance.

Each and every one of you has access to health insurance. Each and every one of you has plenty of money. Denying healthcare to millions of of people who lack your means is just plain cruel.

Cruelty has frequently been a tool of the ruling class, but not here. Not in America — at least not until now.


Bob Warnock, Los Angeles

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