
Opinion: Trump’s tweets: refreshing or abnormal?

President-elect Donald Trump speaks with journalists in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York on Jan. 9.
(Albin Lohr-Jones / EPA)
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To the editor: Jonah Goldberg calls Donald Trump’s Twitter addiction a management style of “government by Twitter.” The very thought is frightening. The crass and vitriolic nature of Trump’s tweets is what one might expect from an angry adolescent, not from someone who is about to assume the highest office in this nation.

( “Trump can’t lead by tweet,” Opinion, Jan. 10)

For a 70-year-old man to rely on Twitter as his main source of communication is anything but “normal.”


Gary Tereshkow, Palm Springs


To the editor: I agree that Trump’s use of Twitter is unusual, but it is refreshing. Whereas President Obama relished giving lengthy interviews and speeches, Trump can communicate quickly and clearly. Does anyone not understand his emphasis?

As a successful businessman, Trump recognizes the importance of time management. While the media and the Democrats want to focus on Hillary Clinton’s loss and the reasons why, Trump’s leadership will direct his team toward accomplishing major changes and quickly. The burden of Obama past will be erased.


Dan Dreblow, Big Bear City, Calif.


To the editor: Goldberg claims that the House GOP originally voted to sharply curb the power of the Office of Congressional Ethics because there is bipartisan consensus that the ethics commission is a “hot mess.”

It is unable to function properly in large part because the GOP appointees have been obstructionist (I know, shocking). But the GOP doesn’t propose reforming and improving, but eviscerating. .


This is typical GOP world, where the swamp is now vastly overrunning its borders: pushing through cabinet nominations without filing of all appropriate disclosure and inadequate vetting of the nominees.

Alice P. Neuhauser, Manhattan Beach

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