
Opinion: L.A.’s traffic ‘diet’ fad definitely isn’t healthy for anyone

Traffic backs up on a recent weekday in Playa Vista.
(Christian K. Lee / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: I’m a serious cyclist. I’m glad Mar Vista reversed its decision creating separate bike lanes. (Re “L.A. reverses course on unpopular lane reduction,” July 28)

The new design was one of the most dangerous I’ve ever seen: Drivers and passengers parking their cars ignore oncoming cyclists as they walk to the sidewalk.

And cars pulling out of driveways or past stop signs protrude fully into the bike lane, leaving no room for cyclists to maneuver.


If cyclists go onto the main road, there is no space for cars to pass.

We’ll all be safer when again allowed to ride with traffic. But it’s incumbent on drivers to give cyclists the life-saving space they need.

Ari Rubin, Venice


To the editor: A victory for the people. Let us hope this is the beginning of a rollback of L.A.’s ill-conceived attempt to turn our streets into bike paths.


Yes, I understand that we all would like less-polluting vehicles on the road. Yes, bikes provide healthy exercise for those who can handle them. But trying to replace automobiles with bikes is stupid.

Bikes are inherently dangerous, not appropriate for commuting for more than short trips, physically too demanding for a good portion of our aging population. Worse, they do not mix at all well with vehicular traffic.

L.A. is not China of the 1950s. We need more light rail, not bike lanes.

Erica Hahn, Monrovia



To the editor: I read with interest your story on the road diet in Vista Del Mar. I’ve been paying close attention because of restriping on Venice Boulevard near me in Venice. This has caused problems, with cars slowing down, gridlock and more traffic from the beach.

Although officials do hold informative outreach sessions, nothing can really prepare you for the reality when these lanes are reduced.

Mindy Taylor-Ross, Venice

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