
Opinion: If Democrats don’t fight Trump’s voter fraud panel, they may never win an election

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is leading President Trump's commission on electoral fraud.
(Orlin Wagner / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Democrats and progressives have much to fear in the national “voter fraud” panel headed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. (“Trump’s voter fraud commission is a sham. That doesn’t mean our election system is perfect,” editorial, July 7)

Kobach wants to create a federal version of the Interstate Crosscheck list that he compiled and distributed to other red-state secretaries of state during the 2016 campaign. The threat this system poses is so well documented in journalist Greg Palast’s documentary, “The Best Election Money Can Buy.”

For the record:

2:45 a.m. Oct. 2, 2024A July 11 letter to the editor incorrectly identified “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy,” a documentary film by Greg Palast, as “The Best Election Money Can Buy.”

Republicans have long known that as a distinct minority whose policies directly conflict with the interests of their targeted voter base, their only chance for electoral success in many races depends entirely on regressive gerrymandering. More recently, they have attempted voter suppression on a massive scale. One need only look to the purge of the voter rolls in Florida by Katherine Harris in 2000, turning the Florida election into a tossup when it should have been a Democratic victory.


Democrats had better start talking about this if they ever want to win a national election again.

Doug Lenier, Valley Glen

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