
Opinion: Yes, swamped by political frustration all around

Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Florida last year.
(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: It’s about time that some faithful Trump supporters wake up to the follies of this president. These people in Arizona hoped for a miracle which never happened. Just remember: a leopard never changes his spots. (“To these voters, Trump fitting in with ‘the swamp,” Aug 5)

Christine Peterson, Woodland Hills


To the editor: When the Supreme Court ruled that money is speech and corporations are people, everything went off the rails. Money isn’t speech, it’s amplification that drowns out the voices of average Americans and encourages politicians to pander to corporate donors.


With Trump, the “swamp” has gone global; we’re being ignored on a much grander scale.

We need fact-based focus on our well-being, not partisan rhetoric.

The non-partisan CBO should assess and report on “citizen well-being,” measuring things like community vitality, economic/ecological/cultural resilience, good governance (clean air and water, infrastructure, law enforcement), so we all can see whether our government is making progress on our behalf.

Using the GDP for that lets the Wall Street tail wag the dog.

If Trump’s policies and Congressional Republicans’ bills don’t measurably support and broaden the well-being of our population and increase our resilience in the face of inevitable destabilizing change, then their party doesn’t deserve to exist.

Linda Kranen, Carlsbad



To the editor: Never a good word for President Trump in The Times.

A more extensive poll is needed. It’s quite unbelievable you make no mention of the jobs created, stock market higher than it has ever been, so much work done securing our border, keeping America safe.

How is it possible for this president to ever do what he wants when some members in his own party want him to fail as does the media?

America will fail if anything bad happens to Trump. Remember this prediction if anything unjust, unfair, happens to President Trump. America will go down faster than a speeding bullet. The swamp, you write? America will be a swamp.


Elaine Vanoff, West Hollywood


To the editor: I have rarely been as scared by an article as I was by this piece on focus groups in Arizona showing equal disgust with President Trump, the Republicans and the Democrats.

Your article suggests the nightmarish possibility that rebellious voters may replace Trump with someone even worse an open, out-front dictator who promises to trash the Constitution, rule by decree and keep himself and his family in power forever.

Maybe Trump is America’s Boris Yeltsin, an incompetent autocrat who will so screw up the institutions of democracy that America will reject them altogether and look for a new savior, an American Putin.

Mark Gabrish Conlan, San Diego


To the editor: I am tired of people saying the political parties have abandoned them, especially those who voted for candidates who made no secret that their first loyalty was to the party, not the voters.


In the last campaign, voters could choose a party that wanted to improve affordable access to healthcare; maintain the progress toward cleaner air, water and soil; find solutions to global climate change; advance technologies that improved daily life; and police banks, credit card issuers, financial firms and even educational businesses that victimize consumers.

Instead they voted for the other guy, and now they’re surprised he won’t deliver?

Give me a break.

David Middleton, Rancho Mirage


To the editor: Last November, most Arizona voters chose Donald Trump despite his lack of public service, multiple bankruptcy filings, open disrespect for women, and nothing to offer but wild promises and scapegoating.

Yet voters loved him because he was “different” and wore a red hat. Now those voters are suffering buyers’ remorse because — surprise! — the snake-oil salesman was selling snake oil. Looks like Barnum was right on target.

Bonnie Sloane, Los Angeles

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