
Opinion: A school named Lynch? ‘It’s just my last name; I’m not a racist’

The Centennial School District is considering a name change.
(Thacher Schmid / For The Times)
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To the editor: Had I read this article on April 1, I would have thought it was an April Fools’ piece. (“Nothing to do with lynching,” Aug 5)

Being a “Lynch,” I was appalled and aghast at the proposal to change the name of Oregon’s Lynch View Elementary. This is political correctness on steroids.

Gee, should I now shield my hand when signing a bill so as not to offend? Should I always add a parenthetical (“It’s just my last name; I’m not a racist”) addendum to my printed name on documents?


I hope saner heads prevail in this rewriting of history, but I fear the worst.

John Lynch, West Hollywood


To the editor: Instead of trying to sterilize institutions, the district should call the schools “Patrick Lynch” and “Catherine Lynch” to make it clear that Lynch is a surname while preserving the city’s history.

Michael Helperin, Los Angeles



To the editor: As a proud Lynch of Irish ancestry, I was appalled at your story concerning Oregon’s Centennial School District possibly changing the names of three schools that honor my maiden name.

It is unbelievable to me the current state to which “political correctness” now influences, not only our everyday lives, but also our national history. In the current climate, should a word or phrase offend anyone it is mandated that the word must be immediately removed from use in the English language. If this is not the absolute Orwellian insanity identified in the book “1984,” then I don’t know what is.

I, for one, will continue to teach my children and grandchildren the ancestry and meaningful contributions those with the name Lynch made to better the world. And thank heavens the majority of Centennial/Lynch families think the same.


Judy (Lynch) Selfridge-Thomas, Ventura

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