
Letters to the Editor: The worst thing about Trump’s racism? Republicans’ silence

Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), with Ayanna Pressley (D-Ill.), left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib, speaks about President Trump’s Twitter attack at the Capitol on Monday.
(Jim Lo Scalzo / EPA/Shutterstock)
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To the editor: The president doubled down on his racist remarks about four women of color in Congress, and the GOP allowed it. All but a handful chose to speak up, mildly. (“Trump is truly America’s Bigot-in-Chief,” editorial, July 14)

As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor (my grandfather was a well-respected rabbi in Berlin who escaped with my father in 1939), I am offended to see the president use Israel and anti-Semitism as a shield. Need we be reminded of the poem by the Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller, which begins, “First they came for the socialists and I did not speak out”?

It may seem hyperbolic to liken our president to Adolf Hitler, though his playbook looks very much the same.


People can criticize the policies of their government and those of others, as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) did about Israel. We Americans do it all the time and we may disagree; that’s what free speech is about. But for the president to tweet that those members of Congress should “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came” is beyond reprehensible -- and what’s worse is the silence from his party.

Wendy Winter, Altadena


To the editor: Yes, we as individuals must call out Trump for being the bigoted bully he has been since the day he announced his candidacy for president. The real question is, however, how can we convince members of Congress to act against him?


Both impeachment and censure have been mentioned as ways to make a statement for justice and equality. Impeachment isn’t going to happen, apparently, but why not censure?

How can we light a fire under the majority of Republicans to stand up for American values? For that matter, a little heat under the Democrats might help to get them to act and not just talk about acting.

Linda Taylor, Santa Barbara



To the editor: Lost in all the hand wringing over Trump’s inarticulate tweets is the fact that the four members of Congress in question are on the extreme left wing of their increasingly leftward-lurching party.

What Trump should have said is, “I don’t dislike you because of your skin color or race; I dislike you because you are communists and a threat to American freedom and liberty.” But it’s likely even that would have been met with cries of racism, increasingly the left’s weapon of choice to silence debate.

Steve Beck, Glendora


To the editor: I am appalled by Trump attacking U.S. citizens who are elected members of the House. Congress is a co-equal branch of our government.

Trump’s childish behavior continues to embarrass our country, so why aren’t all our representatives and senators defending their duly elected colleagues? Why aren’t they making their collective voices heard?

Stop this bully now.

Carol Karas, Camarillo



To the editor: Trump has an excellent idea: Anyone unhappy with the way things are in the U.S. should leave the country.

So, it is time for Trump to depart. After all, he does not like immigration, universal healthcare, investigations of the president, income tax disclosures, Democrats and so many other things.

Where should he go? Russia comes to mind.

Martin A. Brower, Corona del Mar


To the editor: Trump’s suggestion that these representatives “fix the ... places from which they came” is exactly what they’re trying to do.

John Sherwood, Topanga


To the editor: I feel increasingly frustrated and alone when I read about Trump’s tweets. While I radically disagree with much of what these four Democrats have said, telling citizens to leave the country is no way to deal with your critics.


There appears to be no more center in American politics, leaving people like me out in the cold. Any politician who tries to steer a course based on compromise and fairness is shouted down by the extremes on both sides.

I came to this country 38 years ago believing it to be the world leader in the “great democratic experiment.” Now, it feels as if the experiment is failing. As a proud U.S. citizen, I feel a great sadness and pessimism for my children, grandchildren and country.

Paul Sunderland, Los Angeles
