
Impeachment is the only right response to Mueller’s testimony

President Trump speaks to the media about Robert Mueller's testimony on July 24.
President Trump speaks to the media about Robert Mueller’s testimony on July 24.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Political pundits on both sides are saying that Robert S. Mueller III’s testimony “didn’t move the needle.” President Trump and his supporters claim victory, as predictably they would no matter what transpired. (“Mueller said Trump wasn’t exonerated but left a key question unanswered,” editorial, July 25)

But let us ask: victory over what? Mueller didn’t indict the president, but he was prohibited from doing so. The copious, damning facts that he documented about Trump’s lieutenants collaborating with Russia to influence our election, and about Trump’s subsequent obstruction of the investigation, are reason enough to initiate impeachment hearings.

What is an appropriate response to the serious Russian attacks on our democracy and on the integrity of our self-governance?


Republicans should stop playing partisan games and cooperate with the Democrats to defend the rule of law and our electoral sovereignty.

Bruce Joffe, Piedmont, Calif.


To the editor: What next? The Democrats need to get to work. Pass legislation.

With each outburst, Trump stops the Democrats cold. Truly, with misdirection, the president clouds the issues. Each week the Democrats run to hills decrying the latest Trump outrage rather than devoting all their energy to passing legislation.


The path to victory in 2020 includes passing immigration reform, honest tax reform and an infrastructure program. Force these issues on the Senate Republicans, who will have to explain why they are waging war on the middle class.

Take the battle to the American people, not Twitter.

Gavin Feehan, Granada Hills


To the editor: Trump, whatever you think of him, is not guilty. In this country, one is presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Exoneration? Trump is merely innocent.

The entire Fourth Estate is just so eager to get him out of office that it may as well teach a class on how to not do it.

Jeff Radin, Venice
