
Letters to the Editor: Rep. Katie Hill has no one to blame but herself for using bad judgment

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To the editor: Only the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board could portray disgraced Rep. Katie Hill (D-Santa Clarita) as a victim.

If voters in her district had known about any of these “personal” matters before her election in 2018, she never would have won. Whether it’s fair or not, when you’re a public figure, your private life is open to your constituency, and voters are free to judge you any way they see fit.

Hill exhibited extremely poor judgment for having these compromising photos taken of herself and her lover. She has no one to blame but herself for her political career ending in shambles.


Charles Reilly, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: Simply put, Democrats are wimps.

While Hill announces her resignation after intimate photos of her were leaked, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) faces a trial on alleged campaign finance violations and is still in Congress. In fact, he ran for reelection and won in 2018 after being indicted.

Overshadowing all of this is the president.

If Democrats think that being the good guys will pay off at the ballot box, they are sadly mistaken. The 2016 election should have been a lesson to any of us who bothered to look.


Having personal integrity and honor mean almost nothing to an electorate that is largely not paying attention anyway.

Bob Teigan, Santa Susana


To the editor: The one thing you ignore in your defensive opinion on Hill is judgment.

I vote for representatives who will use sensible, good judgment in making decisions that will impact their constituents. I agree that lawmakers should be able to have some privacy in their personal lives, but I find it hard to defend Hill carrying on a relationship with a campaign staffer.


The fact that she resigned is the only good decision to come out of this debacle.

Katherine Todd, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: What a sad end for a promising young lawmaker whose political career has been shattered for committing the crime of exercising poor judgment. Yes, Hill is accused of breaking a House rule, but unlike most politicians she exhibited courage and unselfishness by resigning.

Washington has always been a city of hypocrites, and I find it unfortunate that our president’s enablers, who put their party before their country by condoning his lawlessness, lack Hill’s character.

If every representative’s personal life was targeted as Hill’s was, you’d probably find more serious indiscretions.

Paul Shubunka, Santa Clarita
