
Letters to the Editor: How senators can avoid voting on impeachment: Convince Trump to resign

President Trump attends New York's Veterans Day parade.
President Trump at the opening ceremony of the Veterans Day Parade in New York on Nov. 11.
(Spencer Platt / Getty Images)
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To the editor: James Reston Jr., while avoiding the term “acquittal,” makes the assumption the Senate will not convict President Trump of any possible impeachment charges. Presumably, that means Reston doesn’t believe Trump will be removed from office by a conviction.

For all the reasons cited by Reston, it’s more likely there will never be a vote by the Senate.

While any vote to convict might be political suicide for a Republican senator, a vote to acquit will be historic suicide. Once ultimately out of office, acquittal will be seen as Senate validation for three years of corruption and mismanagement, not only of what is known but what is yet to be discovered about Trump’s presidency. Senators want to leave a positive legacy.


More likely is the Richard Nixon route, where congressional Republicans finally get enough backbone to demand resignation.

For his part, recognizing the polls and bottomless legal expenses following his presidency, Trump will no doubt negotiate a pardon by Vice President Mike Pence. Though he can’t be absolved of state charges, a federal pardon will go a long way to limit his criminal and civil exposure.

Cary Adams, North Hollywood
