
Letters to the Editor: The myth that nobody is actually from Los Angeles

A tourist takes a picture of the Hollywood sign.
A tourist snaps a photo of himself with the Hollywood sign in the background.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: One letter writer responding to an article on Idaho residents becoming frustrated by the growing presence of California transplants quipped that even here, native Californians are “rare, like a unicorn.”

I had assumed this to be true when I first moved to Los Angeles County in the 1980s. I was quickly proved wrong — more than half of my coworkers and personal friends were born and raised in California. I’ve occasionally been in groups of people where I’m the only non-native Californian. One of my coworkers a while back was a fifth-generation Californian.

I did notice a specific pattern: The farther east of the 405 Freeway you go, the more likely people are to be native Californians. I’d love to see if anyone has done a demographic study on this subject.


Kathleen Resch, Temple City


To the editor: One letter writer who recently moved from California to Nevada complains about “newbies who are not willing to adapt, learn our history and culture and become positive, contributing members.”

Is this recent California transplant talking about immigrants? No! Californians! And what, pray tell, is “Nevada culture”?


We have been reduced to not only fighting about letting foreigners into our country, but also our own citizens to other states. Is a civil war far ahead of us?

Peggy Johnson, Granada Hills


To the editor: In 1974, I moved to San Francisco and found a one-bedroom apartment in Pacific Heights — a nice neighborhood — for $380 a month. Try to get that today for under $3,000.


When I moved to Santa Monica in 1985, I rented a two-bedroom, two-bathroom place with high ceilings and a fireplace that came with a three-vehicle carport for $610 a month. Try finding that for under $4,000 today.

Everyone was moving to California. People move. They move to places they see as desirable at the time, and yes, they drive up the cost of living.

But I guarantee the anxious people of Boise this: You get enough people from California living in Idaho, and you can kiss your unconscionable $7.25 minimum wage goodbye.

Mitch Paradise, Los Angeles
