
Letters to the Editor: Let’s hope Republicans don’t actually believe their absurd defenses of Trump

Rep. Doug Collins defends Trump
Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, speaks in the House against impeaching Trump on Dec. 18.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: Voltaire wrote, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

It was easy for Republicans to vote against impeachment. All they had to do was ignore the facts placed in front of them, then make up their own.

The only thing separating us from an Orwellian nightmare is the rumors I’ve heard that Republican representatives grumbled in private about having to defend Trump and that Republicans would vote to convict in the Senate if only they could do so anonymously.


If they truly believe the errant nonsense they’re promoting, then America has a far more serious problem than an arrogant, wayward president.

Gary Garshfield, Irvine


To the editor: I heard a Republican representative on the radio decrying the “glee” of those who favor impeachment. The sadness, disillusion, shock and disgust many people feel over the need to impeach the president is far from glee.


I, for one, feel dismayed at the shame Trump has caused us on a global scale.

How dare someone diminish our sense of responsibility by blithely calling it glee? Most of us wish impeachment was not necessary.

Roni Roseberg, San Bernardino


To the editor: Republicans accused the Democrats of trying to oust the “duly elected president of the United States.”


In this context the term “duly elected president” is utterly meaningless, because only a “duly elected president” can be put up for impeachment under the Constitution.

Trump is being impeached because evidence clearly shows that he has violated the exact words placed into our Constitution -- and yes, those words apply only to a duly elected president.

This president lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, but won the electoral college because of tight victories in several key states. So by U.S. rules, he is the “duly elected” president.

Bruce Barnbaum, Granite Falls, Wash.


To the editor: If we are fatigued by the impeachment hearings, consider how exhausting this was for members of the House. They have endured a buzz-saw of Republican vitriol, yet they managed to bring forward the articles of impeachment in a dignified manner.

Yes, the hearings were frustrating to watch. However, we must note that Republicans did not defend Trump’s behavior, but instead spent most of their time attacking the Democrats.


Could it be because the president’s actions are indefensible?

Celia Carroll, Santa Monica
